Monthly Archives: February 2016

It’s a Leap

It takes the Earth about 365.242189 days (365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds) to go around the sun one time. The calendar we use has only 365 days, so if we didn’t add an extra day about … Continue reading

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Some Things I Miss….

A couple of days ago I wrote about how Legos had changed over the years and how I sort of missed the old ones. I realize that life and all the things around us are pretty much in a constant … Continue reading

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Emily has been building with Legos almost her entire life. I’m continuously impressed by how adept she is at building things — and following directions. Almost everything she’s built using Legos has been “scripted” for her. Her Lego projects are … Continue reading

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Be Humble and have a Margarita

This is another busy February holiday… not only is it George Washington’s real birthday, it’s also National Margarita Day and Be Humble Day. It should be obvious why on February 22nd every year we honor not only George Washington but … Continue reading

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Grouches’s Day

Today is Do a Grouch a Favor Day. We all know someone who is almost always grouchy and grumpy. It seems to be some people’s nature to just be grouchy. There have been a lot of famous people (both real … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Well, here it is that most romantic day again — Valentine’s Day. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago when talking about Groundhog Day, there’s a limited amount of “new” things to write about a holiday that is celebrated … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Abe

Today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday — he would have been 207 years old. Everyone knows he was one of the better Presidents — he was often referred to as “Honest Abe.” The story is that George Washington said, “I cannot … Continue reading

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Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

Today, February 11, is a much celebrated day. It’s National Make a Friend Day, National Peppermint Patty Day — and — Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day. Since these three important holidays always fall on the same date, I have … Continue reading

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Year of the Monkey

Chinese New Year’s Day is the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar. According to the calendar we use (the Gregorian calendar) the date for Chinese New Year is different each year, but it always falls between January 21st and … Continue reading

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Groundhog Day — Results

Well, the results are in – put your coats away — Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow this morning, so we’re in for an early spring. I don’t put a lot of faith in groundhogs in general, and Punxsutawney Phil … Continue reading

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