Monthly Archives: April 2021

Shaken — Not Stirred?

Cinco de Mayo is coming up soon and a few days ago we were discussing how we make margaritas. Everyone had a slightly different recipe and everyone made them using different “techniques.” Well, this conversation eventually led to to how … Continue reading

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Shop ’till You Drop

Oklahoma, the Sooner state, is noted for a few things — the parking meter was invented there, it was Indian Territory for some years before statehood, it’s the home of Will Rogers and Mickey Mantle and I grew up there.But … Continue reading

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Right — or Wrong

The other day after golf, one of the guys was complaining…. about everything, it seemed. One of the group said, “Boy, you must have got up on the wrong side of the bed today.” Well, that got me to thinking…. … Continue reading

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The Name’s (not) the Same

A few days ago I discussed the use of the the word “john” when referring to the toilet or bathroom (among other things.) Well, obviously my mind is still in the toilet, because I got to thinking about the other … Continue reading

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Gone With the Wind?

I grew up in what was, and is, called “Tornado Alley.” Beginning just about this time of year and lasting until the first part of June, tornado warnings were pretty much a daily occurrence. When I was a kid, it … Continue reading

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At the course where we most often play golf, the “club house” area was closed during the pandemic. They installed a window so you could pay your green fees without entering the facility. There was a sign on the door … Continue reading

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….. even a Corkscrew

Shortly after we were married, Claire gave me a Swiss Army Knife. I still have that knife and, in fact, put it to good use just yesterday.  Since Switzerland stays out of international disputes, it make you wonder how its … Continue reading

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The Perfect Pet?

On Christmas morning of 1975, at least 1.3 million people became the proud owners of a Pet Rock. The Pet Rock was a craze that rivaled things like the Hula-Hoop and was even less explainable. Newsweek called the fad “one … Continue reading

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Yesterday, I mentioned that something was out of “whack.”  I realized that I use that term on occasion and maybe sometimes I use it when I should probably be using another phrase or expression. I have a power washer that I’ve … Continue reading

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Easter Monday — Kind Of

I’ve often said that the world was getting too complicated for me…. yesterday there was a fire in a building in Utah — that prevented my blog from being updated. We are not alone has never been more true, and … Continue reading

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