Monthly Archives: June 2020

Two Views….

I just read an article that was a few days old, but it was no less disturbing….“The Trump administration, in twin actions to curb environmental regulations, moved to temporarily speed the construction of energy projects and to permanently weaken federal … Continue reading

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She Deserved Better

A lot of things that the CIA does and has done in the past remain secret or even “unknown” and for good reason. Some of these “things” are pretty amazing — hopefully, a lot of them will never be revealed.  … Continue reading

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Irish Twins

Today is June 25 — the 176th day of 2020. Six months from today will be Christmas.There’s a lot of reasons to remember and celebrate June 25th — some good, some not so good, some great!In 1788, the state of … Continue reading

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What in Blue Blazes Does Blue Blazes Mean?

I got a kind of round about question concerning the term “blue blazes.” Apparently it came via Facebook — a part of the Internet that I don’t pay much attention to and only look at on occasion. But anyhow, the … Continue reading

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Happy 157th, WV

During the Civil War, West Virginia was admitted into the Union as the 35th state. When Virginia voted to secede after the outbreak of the Civil War, the majority of the people living in the western part of Virginia opposed … Continue reading

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Today, the 19th of June is known as Juneteenth, a word arrived at by combining the sounds and meanings of two other words — in this case, June and the nineteenth. The word gained a lot of notoriety this year … Continue reading

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To say a lot of things have changed lately would be a huge understatement. Our language is constantly evolving and I have trouble understanding our granddaughter’s messages sometimes because she (apparently) uses the younger generation’s “shorthand.” And new words and … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

Well, here it is again… every year I face the same dilemma — how do I wish Claire a Happy Birthday that captures how I really feel about her. You can check this blog every year in June and see … Continue reading

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Air Force Ones

A couple of days ago, I talked about the first “Air Force One.” When I re-read it, I realized that some of it may have been a little misleading and maybe I should clear it up a bit. I probably … Continue reading

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Tiger Oil

I’m not sure I know what constitutes a “well-stocked” medicine cabinet. I assume you’d expect to find some kind of pain pills, or other “medicine,” and probably something for cuts and scrapes, maybe some band-aids, and stuff like that. I … Continue reading

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