Monthly Archives: August 2013

Tee ’em Up

For the past few years, one of the things I’ve tried to do to keep active is play golf. Weather (and other activity) permitting, I try to play every week. Recently, I had occasion to buy a bag of golf … Continue reading

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OMG — Texting

Seems like the last couple of weeks, I’ve had occasion to do a fair amount of “texting.” I’ve also noticed that Claire seems to be texting more. Both faithful readers know that I’ve touched on this subject before and explained … Continue reading

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We spent last weekend visiting in Cleveland. There was a wedding shower for Chassie (and Dave) on Saturday at the Stone Mad Pub — a pretty cool place, I’ve decided. Sunday we attended a Stracensky Family Picnic that seems to … Continue reading

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So I see in the news this morning that Edward Snowden has been given “temporary” asylum in Russia. Both you readers already know what I think of Snowden (lowest of the low) and my opinion isn’t changing the more I … Continue reading

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