Monthly Archives: June 2019

It’s Not Your Grandad’s Corn

Claire got a message from Mike and Sue who were apparently driving through or by a corn field. I guess that inspired them to wonder how high the corn should be since it’s getting close to the 4th of July. … Continue reading

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Wing Windows

Evolution is strange… thinking back about how things we use today have “evolved” over the years is both interesting and sometimes confusing. Sometimes you wonder why some things stay and some things go. Aluminum siding kind of evolved into vinyl … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

Yesterday, June 25th, was a special day. I pretty much always update this blog on June 25 for some very special reasons. But I just didn’t get around to it yesterday — I had a couple of jobs to finish … Continue reading

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We were talking the other day and I’d remarked that something Claire had made was really good. She said that all recipes that have booze in them are good. “Booze” is a funny word — how’d we come to refer … Continue reading

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Which Came First?

A lot (most) nights we have wine with dinner. Without getting into whether drinking wine is healthy or not, or how much wine is good for you and how much would be bad or any of those other discussions that … Continue reading

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What’s in a Name….

Yesterday, I talked about a phone incident when I was in Peking, China. The time was 1972 and the city was called Peking. Today, it is known as Beijing. Now cities and countries change their names all the time — … Continue reading

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We were watching a program on the History Channel the other evening about all the technological advances made in the 60s before computers became possible. Sometimes we become so dependent on technology and especially our iPhones that we can’t remember … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

Special Day around here…. My best friend’s birthday. Happy Birthday Claire!!! — 30 —  

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A Star is Born

We went to Emily’s (end of season?) dance recital last night. There were a lot of dancers and it was pretty long, but Emily just keeps getting better and better. There was a lot of talk about her being the … Continue reading

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Time Waits for No Man….

The last time I wrote something here, I talked about tomorrow land becoming today land and then yesterday land. The point was that time somehow seems to have speeded up. I’ve often heard it said (and maybe I agree) that … Continue reading

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