Monthly Archives: September 2019

Breaker — Breaker

This past weekend, our neighbor had a problem with one of the circuit breakers in his house. While I’m no electrical wizard and certainly haven’t kept up with the electrical codes (that change more often than they did in the … Continue reading

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TLAP — 2019

Well, here be me most favorite holiday again — Talk Like a Pirate Day. Today everyone around here will be calling each other ‘me hearties,’ be donning their finest eye patches and pulling the usual shenanigans that they do every … Continue reading

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St. Peters

Before I get off the subject of Harpers Ferry for a while, I have to mention St. Peters Catholic Church. When we have visitors and go to Harpers Ferry, we alway go to the church. Not only is it the … Continue reading

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Word to the Wise…

They say a word to the wise is sufficient…. today is not only Friday the 13th, and not only is there a full moon, but it’s a micro-moon full moon. That means that the moon is at its apogee (the … Continue reading

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Never Forget

Today is one of those days that we all remember. Just about everyone can tell you exactly where they were and what they were doing 18 years ago this morning. In anyone’s lifetime there are only a few events that … Continue reading

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Don’t Mess with Mickey

A number of years ago I attended a Satellite Communications course to learn about a new satellite system being built for our company. The course was several weeks long and during that time, we developed a class “logo.” All the … Continue reading

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Pick or Pull?

I saw a sign recently that said, “Feel Free to Pick My Weeds.” It occurred to me that I’ve never used the term, “pick weeds.” I alway say, “pull weeds.” I use the term “pick” with flowers — I pick … Continue reading

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John Brown

Harpers Ferry has come up in conversation a few times lately, and before the subject gets out of my mind, I thought I’d discuss a couple of my favorite Harper Ferry stories. All the little towns around here survived the … Continue reading

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Still Special

Some of you long-time readers may remember that nine years ago I mentioned the arrival of the what was then the newest member of our family. If you don’t remember, you can go back and read the article from 2010. … Continue reading

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150 Great Nights

Last night was a very special night at our house. As some of you know, we observe OTBN every month. Last night we celebrated OTBN CL (for those of you who are not Romans or Super Bowl fans, that’s 150 … Continue reading

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