Monthly Archives: February 2019

Rice Christians

Last weekend at (after) Mass, we heard the annual financial report for our church. The church, like a lot of people and organizations, is struggling to make ends meet these days. One of the charts presented during the presentation indicated … Continue reading

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12 Years — 144 Bottles

Last evening was a very significant milestone/anniversary at our house. We celebrated OTBN CXLIV. In case you’e one of those unfortunate people that don’t regularly read this blog, here’s the background. The founders of OTBN are Dorothy J. Gaiter and … Continue reading

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I was reading an article earlier today about the recent California wildfires. It’s amazing how much damage was done to property and the cost, while still unknown, reaches into dollar figures that we actually can’t comprehend. Most of the article … Continue reading

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Keep it Real

Today is George Washington’s Birthday — his “real” birthday, not the third Monday in February as dictated by Congress. I put the “real” in quotes because actually it’s not his real birthday… it’s complicated — check the blog entry for … Continue reading

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We were visiting with some friends over the weekend and someone said that one of the people we had mentioned in the conversation was paranoid. I didn’t think much about it at the time, but later I got to thinking … Continue reading

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President’s Day — 2019

Today is Presidents’ Day. It’s a federal holiday thanks to the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill passed by Congress in 1968. Actually, I’ve always been a little confused as to exactly what the day commemorates. When I was growing up, the … Continue reading

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Wonder Where the Yellow Went

Shepherdstown doesn’t have a traffic light. There are a couple outside of town, but none in Shepherdstown itself. When we moved here from Northern Virginia, there were traffic lights everywhere and any time you went any where, you had to … Continue reading

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Problem(s) Solved

I was privileged to make a speech at Kelly’s wedding a number of years ago. The object of the talk, as I understood it, was to give the newlyweds some words of advice — something that would be of help … Continue reading

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Hamburgers are Romantic — Who Knew?

Well, here it is Valentine’s Day again — last year Valentine’s Day fell on Ash Wednesday, presenting a dilemma for some people. It wasn’t a problem for us, because as I’ve mentioned in the past, we never celebrate Valentine’s Day … Continue reading

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Black and White

The controversy at the top of the Virginia government over yearbook photos continues with no universally accepted resolution in sight. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has said he wasn’t going anywhere, despite calls for him to resign. In an interview with … Continue reading

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