Happy Birthday Abe

Today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday — he would have been 207 years old. Everyone knows he was one of the better Presidents — he was often referred to as “Honest Abe.” The story is that George Washington said, “I cannot tell a lie.” Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t, — it fits in with the cherry tree story nicely. But Abraham Lincoln actually did say that he couldn’t tell a lie.

Abe was the first President not born in one of the original colonies. He never slept in the Lincoln bedroom in the White House. He argued a case in front of the United States Supreme Court — and lost. Abe was a licensed bartender, the only President to hold a patent and is enshrined in the Wrestling Hall of Fame. Abraham Lincoln created the Secret Service the day he was shot — on Good Friday.
So Happy Birthday, Abe — we could use more like you…..
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