Monthly Archives: May 2020

Play Ball

There’s been a lot of talk recently about “re-opening sports.” Many people and organizations have different ideas about how all sports can safely resume. Baseball has proposed having games only in Arizona, with no spectators, and having games in various … Continue reading

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Flying Fun

There’s been a lot in the news lately about the unrest in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has always been just about my most favorite city. So you probably figure that today’s blog is going to be about Hong Kong… well, … Continue reading

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Memorial Day — 2020

Today is Memorial Day — the day that traditionally kicks off the beginning of the summer season. Of course that isn’t what Memorial Day is all about. It’s an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May that honors … Continue reading

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Anniversary Day

I know the month of May is full of special days for our family — there’s at least six family birthdays this month, and probably other family events that I’m not even aware of. But in our house, today, May … Continue reading

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Isolation Observations

Another relatively slow day around here — this week is mostly rainy, or threatening rain almost every day. The first tropical storm (Arthur) is hanging around off the coast and supplying us with a lot of clouds. So big outdoor … Continue reading

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I got a little busy yesterday and never got around to this blog. So today, we’re going to pretend it’s not today, it’s yesterday — May 17.  First off, happy Norwegian Independence Day and a happy birthday to Mike Hauke. … Continue reading

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When Six Became Twelve

My neighbor’s car battery died a day or so ago — he had just paid off his car loan, and wouldn’t you know it — dead battery. He thought it might be something else because the battery seemed just fine … Continue reading

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Just Beautiful….

Nice day today — been working in the yard. Came in and thought I’d read the news before I took a shower. The President visited a plant in Pennsylvania yesterday and spoke about health care workers. Here is an exact … Continue reading

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Well, since I have nothing particular on my mind today, and I just finished reading the news, and a couple of articles talked about the President’s news conferences, and it seems like the news conferences consisted mostly of name calling, … Continue reading

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Mom’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day — a day we celebrate every year on the second Sunday of May. For the last couple of years, I’ve kind of passed over Mother’s Day on these pages, so this year I think it deserves … Continue reading

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