Monthly Archives: July 2023

Patent Pending

Well, here it is the end of July, so I though it might be a good day to talk about patents, since the U.S. Patent Office opened its doors on this date in 1790.The United States issues patents by the … Continue reading

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Where’s Hoffa?

Last evening’s news talked about the uncovering of some human remains — the newscasters and police were speculating about who they might belong to. That reminded me that there seems to be a name that comes up just about every … Continue reading

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Hat Trick

I am by no means a soccer fan, but the other night I watched the Women’s World Cup — that turned out to be an “exciting” one-to-one tie between the United State and the Netherlands. Anyhow, during the game one … Continue reading

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Re-write a Wrong?

One of the lead stories in the news yesterday was that Florida school boards had voted to re-define the way slavery was looked upon, by both blacks and whites, in their new texts. There continues to be a controversy as … Continue reading

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The calendars on our computers list various holidays. This week, one of the holidays was Ashura. Ashura is a holy day for Muslims, observed on the 9th and 10th day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. This … Continue reading

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Twenty-Sixth of July Movement

A lot of you aren’t old enough to remember Cuba before Fidel Castro came into power, but on this date in 1953 it was the beginning of the end for Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. July 26, 1953 marked the beginning of  … Continue reading

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First Flight

For some reason one of those pop-up “notifications” came up on my phone this morning, and it was “this day in history.” Usually I just swipe these things aside, but I happened to look at it and it said that … Continue reading

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After celebrating Pi Approximation Day a couple of days ago, it’s appropriate that we have a day to wash down all that “Pi.” Well, today’s the day — National Tequila Day. Mexicans like to celebrate National Tequila Day — but … Continue reading

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The Links

The British Open was on television this morning and the announcers referred several times to it being a links course. I’m pretty sure I’ve never played on a true links course. I’ve played on a few courses that claim to be … Continue reading

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Approximation Day

Pretty much every year around this time, if you open this blog, the subject will be pi (∏.) I mention Pi every year because it’s important — it’s one of the things that links math to real-world uses. Lots of … Continue reading

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