Monthly Archives: June 2024


I’ve always heard that the Titanic  was advertised as “unsinkable.” But I ran across an article the other day that indicated that the story of the ship that was billed as unsinkable going down on her maiden voyage isn’t exactly … Continue reading

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Florence Nightingale

While cleaning out our library, I ran across an interesting little book about Florence Nightingale. Not sure where it came from, but there were only about 10 or 12 pages, so I read through it. Here’s some interesting things that … Continue reading

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Cable Cars

Back in my working days, there was about a two year period that I spent a lot of my time in the San Francisco area. There was a lot I liked about the area and the city itself. One of … Continue reading

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A Giant Leap Forward

I was in China in 1972. Since the revolution in 1949, China was led by Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. When I arrived, the country had been “closed” for more than 20 years. During my time there, I became friends with a … Continue reading

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Special Day

Don’t know if everyone has realized it yet, but today is a special day. Six months from today is Christmas — so I guess the countdown has begun and I imagine the stores will begin decorating in the next few days.And … Continue reading

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Vaxxers & Anti-vaxxers

Dr. Anthony Fauci recently wrote a book (On Call) describing, in part, his time fighting COVID. I remember all the controversy surrounding the development of the vaccines. I wonder how Edward Jenner would have handled that situation…. Smallpox was mentioned … Continue reading

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Elephant Graveyard

According to legend, when an elephant senses its impending death, it leaves its herd and travels to a barren, bone-filled wasteland. So do dying elephants actually separate themselves from their herd to meet their maker among the bones of their … Continue reading

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Third Reich

A day or two ago, the topic was Hitler — and you often hear the “Third Reich” associated with his rise to power. It was the official Nazi designation for the regime in Germany from January 1933 to May 1945. … Continue reading

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Point Lookout

The Point Lookout Lighthouse is located in St. Mary’s County, Maryland — it’s situated where the Potomac River meets the Chesapeake Bay. It was built in 1830. Point Lookout Lighthouse has been called America’s most haunted lighthouse — maybe because … Continue reading

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How To Become A Dictator

There’s been lots of comparisons between Donald trump and Adolf Hitler. Most of the comparisons that I’ve read, compare Hitler when he was leader of the Nazi movement and Trump during his presidency.  But they certainly didn’t start out with … Continue reading

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