Be Humble and have a Margarita

This is another busy February holiday… not only is it George Washington’s real birthday, it’s also National Margarita Day and Be Humble Day. It should be obvious why on February 22nd every year we honor not only George Washington but also pay tribute to and honor the margarita — and — it’s easy to celebrate the two. Be Humble Day on the other hand…

We all know people that are self-centered and need to be reminded that it’s not all about you! So, if you know someone that always talks about themselves and their accomplishments and never bothers to ask about what’s going on in your life, today is the day to remind them that it’s Be Humble Day. Maybe, for just this one day, they can manage to be humble.

Humbleness is a good trait to have — it’s a fact that some people are smarter, better educated, more traveled and even nicer looking than others. But that doesn’t make it right to gloat….
So today is a good day for us all to remember to have respect for others and show some humility.

Ernest Hemingway once said, “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” But I rather like, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” C. S. Lewis came up with that one, and was probably thinking of Be Humble Day at the time…..
So let’s all be humble and have a margarita — in honor of George.
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