Monthly Archives: March 2021

Happy Anniversary to Me

“It is with some sadness that we had to announce the demise of the Williamson/Stracensky Family Web Site.” Fourteen years ago today, if you happened to be at this place on the Internet, you read those words. For a number … Continue reading

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Today is World Backup Day. You faithful readers know that for the last couple of years, I’ve blogged about this day because — well, it’s important. But— I still think it’s misleading. When I first heard about it I was … Continue reading

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Palm Sunday —2021

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter and the sixth Sunday and final day of Lent. The day marks the occasion when Jesus rode on a donkey and entered Jerusalem. It is called Palm Sunday because people in Jerusalem cut … Continue reading

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Paschal Moon

This month’s full moon will appear tomorrow night — with an odd name. March’s full moon is called the full Worm Moon. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the name Worm Moon was given to the March Moon because of … Continue reading

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Spring Hoax

Happy Vernal Equinox — the first day of astrological spring. It’s also supposedly a magical day. According to some people today is the day you can stand a raw egg on its end. And a lot of those same people … Continue reading

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Meat on Friday

Today is Friday… it’s also Lent. Even though (because of our age) we’re “exempt” from the rule to abstain from eating meat on each Friday of Lent, we usually don’t have meat on those Fridays. But, in addition to being … Continue reading

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Wearing of the Green

Today is St. Patrick’s Day and time for my annual St. Patrick’s Day blog. Obviously I’ll probably wind up repeating stuff from past years, because there’s only so much one can know, or not know, about a day that is … Continue reading

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Well, today’s that day again — the Ides of March, a day with a sinister reputation that’s probably undeserved.  We all remember that before Caesar’s time in Roman history, there were ten months and the first month of the year … Continue reading

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It’s Time

If you got up early to celebrate Pi Day, I hope you didn’t miss it, because….It’s that “time” again. At 2:00 a.m. this morning everyone got out of bed and set their clocks ahead one hour…. then went back to … Continue reading

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Pi (π) Day — 2021

Tomorrow, March 14 (3/14) is Pi Day. I blog about Pi Day every year because I like Pi Day. I know a lot of people use it as an excuse to eat pie and lately I notice most of the … Continue reading

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