Monthly Archives: June 2015

Happy Birthday(s)

Happy Birthday to Locke’s parents. Hope Dave and Chassie have a great day!! Love you guys…. — 30 —

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Button, Button

A lot of people are afraid of a lot of things, but one of the more interesting fears or phobias is Ompalophobia — the fear of belly buttons. I’m not making this up. This would seem to be a particularly … Continue reading

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I Do Believe….

At one of our last winter golf sessions, one player indicated that he had a hard time understanding the Bible and religion in general. One of the things that I’ve concluded is that religion is one of those things that … Continue reading

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Take Me Home… Country Roads

Today, in 1863, West Virginia became the 35th State. The Mountaineer State adopted the current state flag in 1929. The state flag displays the West Virginia Coat of Arms (as seen in the State Seal of West Virginia) centered on … Continue reading

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What’s in a Name?

Rednecks — that’s what I remember “them” being called where I grew up in Oklahoma. In Cleveland, where Claire grew up, “they” were called hillbillies. So what’s the difference in a hillbilly and a redneck? That’s one of those things … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

Today we’re celebrating the love of my life’s 29th birthday for the 40th time. Happy, Happy Birthday, Menoi!! Love you lots!!! — 30 —  

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Have You Heard the One About…..

I’ve mentioned several times here the discussions a few of us have after playing golf, or just sitting around having a couple of beers. It’s occurred to me that some of the best times, and discussions, happen when a story … Continue reading

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It’s Time Again

The Apple Watch seems to be selling pretty well. Kelly and Chris have them and I’ve seen a few on people’s wrists lately. I haven’t worn a watch since I retired — before then I had quite a collection of … Continue reading

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A New Mountaineer

As of yesterday, I understand the family has a new graduate. Kylee Grady is our newest high school graduate and soon to become an official Mountaineer. Congratulations to Kylee — go out and make this world a better place. Just … Continue reading

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