Monthly Archives: July 2013

Two Famous Sons

Maysville, Oklahoma is well known as the place I grew up of course, but it’s also the place Wiley Post grew up. Anyone aware of early aviation history knows about Wiley Post. If you’ve visited the Air and Space Museum … Continue reading

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Drive On

I just renewed my drivers’s license. I remember not too many years ago, when your license was due to be renewed, you went to the DMV and stood in line (usually a long line) then gave them your old license, … Continue reading

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It’s 101

If my count is correct, the last entry in this blog was number 100. Both you faithful readers will remember that this is the second generation of my blog — the first one (“In My Own Write”) was closed out … Continue reading

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I Want it Now

Several times in the past few days, both myself and Claire have come across situations and individuals that “tried our patience.” I’ve always heard that patience is a virtue. I suppose that’s true, but it’s also an acquired trait and … Continue reading

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Never Give UP

We were in a doctor’s office a few days ago and there on the wall was a poster that I’ve seen probably hundreds of times — its a drawing of a pelican preparing to eat a frog and the frog … Continue reading

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Silver Bullets

We went to see the new Lone Ranger movie a couple of days ago. I liked the movie, but if I was a Lone Ranger purest I probably wouldn’t have. The movie took a lot of liberties with the actual … Continue reading

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People in Glass Houses shouldn’t throw….

We were looking for rocks to put in one of our flower beds instead of mulch yesterday — or maybe we were looking for stones. Some places called them some kind of rocks (e.g., river-rocks) and other places called them … Continue reading

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Time for a Change

We went to a friend’s house a few nights ago to celebrate the fact that he was retiring the next day. Like a lot of us, he probably thought he would work until one day he’d just decide to retire … Continue reading

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One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago

One hundred and fifty years ago today, a three-day battle that changed and set the course of our nation began — the Battle of Gettysburg. Generally acknowledged as the turning point of the Civil War, it’s only about an hour … Continue reading

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