Monthly Archives: March 2013

Happy Easter

We had lunch with Kelly, Chris and Emily today and I asked Emily about the Easter Bunny. She doesn’t really grasp the concept yet and I guess I can see why. The idea of an egg-laying rabbit isn’t intuitively obvious … Continue reading

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An Unimaginative Blog

Well, here it is the 24th of March and the weather prediction is for 2 to 4 inches of snow tonight. Since I have no earth shattering topics on my mind at the moment, I guess I can fall back on … Continue reading

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It’s For You…

If you’ve ever called our house, there’s about a 99.999% chance that Claire — or no one — has answered the phone. I rarely answer our home phone — I say it’s because it’s never for me anyhow, if people … Continue reading

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Wearing of the Green

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Seems like every year I think it’s necessary to write something about St. Patrick or green, or beer, or Ireland, or something…. Well, might as well carry on the tradition, even though there is a limited … Continue reading

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The Knob — RIP

A few days ago I wrote about curmudgeons and pretty much admitted that I might actually be one (not that that’s a bad thing.) One characteristic or trait that possible curmudgeons have is that they want things like they used … Continue reading

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The Numbers Game

In my “working days” when one of my projects needed money that hadn’t been budgeted, I found that when I went to the boss or the board it was always easier to get more money than less. If I indicated … Continue reading

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Not Just Grumpy, Old or Men

Claire often refers to me as a curmudgeon. I seem to have noticed that she uses that term more in the past few years — maybe that’s because I’ve been trying to listen to her more lately — expanding my … Continue reading

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The Snow is Snowing… what do I care…..

The last update to this blog made sport of weather forecasters because they had forecasted snow of historic proportions. I’ve often heard people refer to a blizzard and I realized I’m not sure what constitutes a blizzard — except when … Continue reading

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All Talk — No Do

When I went to bed last night, all the weather forecasters were predicting a snowfall of historic proportions. When I got up this morning, we had snow on the ground and it was snowing, but it was only of “historic … Continue reading

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The Best Defense is a Good Offense

The most famous asteroid ever is the one that hit Earth 65 million years ago. It is believed that the asteroid threw so much moisture and dust into the atmosphere that it cut off sunlight, lowering temperatures worldwide and causing … Continue reading

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