Monthly Archives: May 2016

Right, Duty, Privilege

I kind of avoid discussions about politics because that subject, like a lot of others, is a personal choice. I’ve prided myself on having never been a Democrat or a Republican. I take the privilege of voting very seriously and … Continue reading

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Baker’s Dozen

When I was thinking about Friday the 13th and superstitions a couple of days ago, it occurred to me that the number 13 crops up in at least one instance where it’s not mentioned — a Baker’s Dozen. Everyone knows … Continue reading

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Friday the 13th. Lots of people believe the unluckiest day is Friday the 13th — some people have an actual fear of the day and won’t travel, make decisions or even get out of bed on that day. The fear … Continue reading

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Happy Mother’s Day

Probably not many people have noticed, but I haven’t updated this blog in quite a while. Lots of things have happened in the world and in our household in the past couple of months — some of which I’ll probably … Continue reading

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