Monthly Archives: January 2018

Ditch Em…

As (both) my faithful readers know, I tend to celebrate a lot of holidays — some are well known and others… not so much. Today, January 17th, while not really a holiday, is nevertheless a special day. It’s officially (I’m … Continue reading

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75 Years

A couple of days ago, was the anniversary of a fairly significant “event” in the United States. On January 14, 1943, the Pentagon was officially dedicated and “opened for business.” The building’s first employees actually moved in on April 30, … Continue reading

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MLK Day —2018

According to the news this morning, South Africa is planning to formally protest President Trump’s (reported) remarks referring to El Salvador, Haiti and some African nations in a derogatory manner. South Africa’s government is expected to issue a diplomatic protest … Continue reading

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Long Weekend

(Some) Virginians are in the middle of a long weekend today — Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a national holiday, and Friday was Lee-Jackson Day, a state holiday in Virginia. Lee-Jackson day falls on Friday and Martin Luther … Continue reading

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Who and What Will be First

As both faithful readers know, we have two new twin granddaughters. Well, I got to wondering if they’d do things at the same time or which one would be “first” to accomplish a new task. I wonder which one will … Continue reading

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Family Stuff

I, like everyone I guess, had two grandmothers. And those two grandmothers, like any two people I guess, were very different. My grandmother Williamson lived to just a few weeks short of her 100th birthday. She was born (I’m pretty … Continue reading

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I Do Resolve….

I warned you a few days ago that this was probably coming. As I talk about every year around this time, new year resolutions aren’t really realistic terms/conditions/actions to commit to because of something like an eight percent success rate. … Continue reading

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