Monthly Archives: July 2017

Sam (the Fireman?)

A week or so ago we spent some time at Dave and Chassie’s new house to do a few “chores” while they were working. Dave came home first and we went with him to pick up Locke from pre-school. Locke … Continue reading

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One-Way Street?

If you’ve been paying much attention to the news lately, you’ve obviously heard the term “loyalty” used a lot. The President uses it often and a lot of people believe he means it solely as it applies to him and … Continue reading

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Bank Robbers

My dad was a pretty neat guy — although we never had the kind of relationship where we’d go out and have a few beers together, we did manage to have a few “private” conversations. I certainly wish there could … Continue reading

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Breaking News… Not So Much

Both the faithful readers of this blog know that I’ve written about my dad having the first television set in Maysville, Oklahoma. He sold furniture and appliances (including radios) and for some reason he had gotten a Motorola TV along … Continue reading

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Good Advice

Although the weather was nice, today started out a little slow for me… I could just never get going and for some unknown reason seemed to be a little depressed or something. I sat down to watch some of the … Continue reading

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My Favorite Animal

A lot, or at least some, of Claire’s friends are fond of cats. I have stated (correctly) that I’m not a big fan of cats. When I tell people that, they usually assume, or say, that I must be a … Continue reading

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I try to stay away from discussing the news on this blog, but it’s becoming harder and harder to ignore some of the insanity that seems to be going on all around us. I read an article yesterday about a … Continue reading

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Eleven Years Ago

The last entry in this blog discussed friends and good friends. Eleven years ago today, I lost one of, if not the, best friends I’ve ever had. Some friends develop over time… my friendship with Al Chura was instantaneous. From … Continue reading

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We attended a party to celebrate Independence Day and saw a lot of friends that we hadn’t seen in a while. Friends are a pretty important part of our lives. Some friends you see almost every day, some maybe once … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Uncle Sam

Well, here it is the 4th of July again — when, in my mind, summer seems to begin winding down. The days are getting shorter, the trees are starting to lose some leaves, and all the back-to-school sales are in … Continue reading

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