Monthly Archives: April 2013

… and they didn’t list all the possible side effects.

I heard a phrase the other day that I hadn’t heard in years. Someone said, “she’s got more shoes that Carter’s got liver pills.” When I was a kid, one of the items advertised on the radio was Carter’s Little … Continue reading

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If you haven’t been under a rock someplace, you’ve probably heard a lot about the bombing in Boston. I was just thinking that when I was growing up, not only did you not hear about these things (because they rarely, … Continue reading

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Happy Earth Day

Earth Day is the day designated for fostering appreciation of the Earth’s environment and awareness of the issues that threaten it. Some people celebrate Earth Day on the first day of Spring, around the 21st of March. Since about 1970, … Continue reading

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Paper or Plastic?

Went to Walmart today and while waiting at the checkout stand, I noticed the carousel filled with plastic gags – tons of them. Seems like every few weeks I hear about how bad plastic bags are for the environment. I’ve … Continue reading

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A Wise Ole Indian

As both faithful readers know, I was born in Oklahoma and have Native American or American Indian blood. I’ve never made too much of it, but over the years I’ve collected, and been given pictures, proverbs and stories handed down … Continue reading

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The End

I read an interesting article in this morning’s Washington Post. It was titled, “The end of everything,” and discussed the fact that there is a trend in the publishing world to title books that proclaim “the end…” such as The … Continue reading

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Well, I said it would never happen — no more moving. But the weather finally go to me. This cold weather is ridiculous. We’re moving to Hawaii!! Got real lucky and just the right person(s) came along and we got … Continue reading

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