Monthly Archives: May 2024


If you’ve been paying any attention much at all to the news lately, you’ve probably noticed that the terms witch hunt and hoax are mentioned a lot. For no good reason I decided to look up the word hoax. According … Continue reading

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While cleaning out some of our recordings from TV, I ran across a whole section that we’d recorded for Emily — probably a couple of years ago. One of the recordings was Pocahontas — an animated version released by Disney. … Continue reading

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Alexa — Wake Me Up

We’ve always had an alarm clock beside our bed to wake us up. But for the past year or so, I’ve used Alexa instead of a clock. But I still say, “Alexa, set the alarm for 6:00 o’clock (or whatever … Continue reading

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Since the container ship hit and collapsed the bridge in Baltimore, bridges seem to have been in the news quite a bit. I was reading an article on the state of bridges in the US, and and ran across something … Continue reading

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The Antichrist

I watched a program on PBS about the Antichrist the other night. The program left me wondering who isn’t the Antichrist? The media, and the Internet especially, is full of tales that accuse just about every celebrity and world leader … Continue reading

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Dressed Appropriately

Our neighbors have a small dog — they walk the dog every day.  And — the dog is always wearing some kind “clothing.” Well, that got me to wondering — why do people dress up their pets? I guess I can … Continue reading

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Like a Stone Wall

A few nights ago, I was watching PBS and there was a “filler” piece about famous people born in West Virginia. One of the names mentioned was Stonewall Jackson. I wasn’t aware that he was born in West Virginia, but … Continue reading

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Eye Patches

Those of you that have read this blog over the years know that I always wanted to be a pirate. For some reason, swashbuckling has just always appealed to me. But as we all know, and I’ve mentioned here on … Continue reading

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The Ends of the Earth

I’ve often heard the term “the ends of the earth.” I got to thinking about that and it seems like all through history, all sorts of cultures and people have imagined images of far-off, mythical places with exotic names like … Continue reading

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When I was growing up in Maysville, Oklahoma, there were only a couple of “police” officers — and I use that term loosely. Of course there wasn’t much need for the police in Maysville. The biggest “crimes” committed around there … Continue reading

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