Monthly Archives: February 2017

Battery Day

I’ve always had a kind of love/hate relationship with batteries. Seems like at various times in my life, they’ve come to play an important part. When I first started work with the Federal Aviation Agency, they had a self-study program … Continue reading

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Valentines, Ferris Wheels and Libraries

Well, here it is Valentine’s Day again, when all the restaurants are full and you can usually only order from their limited (Valentine’s Day) menu and the prices are higher. Of course all this inconvenience is worth it because it’s … Continue reading

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Then and Now….

Today is my old friend Abraham’s birthday. Abraham Lincoln was, of course, President of the United States during a particularly trying time. Donald Trump is President of the United States in a trying time, too. It’s not fair to try … Continue reading

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Give Us a Break, Phil

Well, here it is again — as Yogi Berra would probably say, Groundhog Day is like Deja vu all over again. Since it seems like we’ve only seen the sun around here for about five minutes in 2017, you’d think … Continue reading

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