Monthly Archives: May 2021

Take a Moment….

Today is Memorial Day — a day whose true meaning often gets lost in the activities of a “three day weekend” that traditionally kicks off the beginning of the summer season. I’m often puzzled by how many people know so … Continue reading

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Bean Counter

Seems like a lot of recent topics have involved idioms lately. Today’s subject falls into that category, too. As we’ve discussed in the past, an idiom is a metaphorical figure of speech, and it is understood that it is not … Continue reading

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Anniversary Day — 2021

Seventeen years ago, it was pretty noisy around northern Virginia and it wasn’t all because of the wedding activities. On this date in 2004, people visiting from out of the area were asking, “what’s that noise?” The answer was, of … Continue reading

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Assassinated or Murdered

As you’re probably aware, the news has been full of news about killings lately… murders in many metropolitan areas are up by a fairly high percentage so far this year. Internationally, several prominent people have been murdered/assassinated.   I’ve often … Continue reading

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We were listening to the news this morning and I made the remark that the the whole world is becoming stupid — and that they should all wear dunce caps. As I sat there, mulling over the news, I got … Continue reading

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What’s Up?

Those of you that have ever had the discussion with me, know that I don’t like Facebook. I think it’s dangerous and often causes more harm than it does good. I rarely check Facebook, but I often get e-mails advising … Continue reading

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Two for One

Today is May 9th — Mother’s Day. Coincidently, May 9th, 1976 was also Mother’s Day — and — the day Kelly was born. I remember the weather being a little nicer on May 9, 1976… bright and sunny and warm. … Continue reading

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Second Sunday in May

In the United States, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May each year. Today is the second Sunday of May, so today is Mother’s Day.  Usually I try to find something not well known or trivial about … Continue reading

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No. 49

Well, we survived Cinco de Mayo and today is another big day — anniversary day. Just like last year, according to the experts, this one doesn’t deserve any special designation. It sure seems like 49 years of marriage should be … Continue reading

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The Fifth of May

Both faithful readers know that the month of May is usually busy around here…. yesterday was “may the 4th be with you”  or Star Wars Day and today is Cinco de Mayo — the holiday that celebrates the date of … Continue reading

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