Monthly Archives: March 2022

Don’t Be An April Fool….

Today is the last day of March and an important day for all of us. It’s World Backup Day. It really would be nice if we could back the world up to a time when it seemed to be a … Continue reading

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Cats & Dogs

Our neighbor has a cat — actually I’ve mentioned his cat a few times on this blog site (check the archives for “Pippin” if you’re interested.) Anyhow, our neighbor kept his brother’s dog for a few weeks a couple of … Continue reading

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A few days ago Claire said there was something coming on TV in a few weeks that we should watch. She said it looked interesting — she had seen the trailer for it earlier. I hadn’t heard the term “trailer” … Continue reading

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A few days ago, we had to restore a friend’s computer back to where it was so she could play a particular game that she liked. The reason this was necessary, was because someone had re-configured the screen to make … Continue reading

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Trust Me — it’s an “E”

The other evening Wheel of Fortune came on TV and I watched it for a few minutes. It’s a word guessing game and I suspect that the people that play it and are good at it, are knowledgeable of the … Continue reading

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Punishment At Sea

A few days or weeks ago, I discussed the pirates of the Great Lakes in response to a question asked by one of our nieces. Some of you know that one of my favorite days is Talk Like A Pirate … Continue reading

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The first day of spring will officially occur this morning —  Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 11:33 a.m. EDT (in the Northern Hemisphere.) That date and time is the arrival of the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. Traditionally, the first day of … Continue reading

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I’m not sure why, but a few days ago I got an e-mail from someone that lives in our neighborhood. I didn’t recognize the name, so it must have come from one of the newer residents. But for some reason … Continue reading

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Shortly after we moved to Shepherdstown and had settled on St. Agnes as our church of choice, one Saturday evening we sat down by a distinguished looking gentleman and I asked if this was the “sinners pew.” He smiled and … Continue reading

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St. Pat

Today is the day they say everyone is Irish — St. Patrick’s Day. If times were normal — meaning pre-pandemic — more than half (52%) of Americans plan some type of celebration on St. Patrick’s Day, and more than 82% … Continue reading

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