Monthly Archives: February 2012

Take the Leap

As some of you know, I’m a big fan of holidays — I like them so much I even make up some of my own from time to time. Well, today isn’t exactly a holiday, but maybe it should be. … Continue reading

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Pink and Blue

A little while back, at the suggestion of Dave, I discussed the color gray. In response the that posting, John asked a question about the colors pink and blue — specifically, why is pink identified with, or symbolic of girls … Continue reading

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From George to Barack and Beyond

Today, February 22, besides being Ash Wednesday is George Washington’s birthday — his real birthday, not “President’s Day” when we celebrate his birthday. Before February ends It might be appropriate to get all this president stuff out of the way. … Continue reading

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I Cannot Tell A Lie — George Was Not the First

So here it is President’s Day. I remember when we didn’t celebrate President’s Day — we only celebrated Washington’s Birthday. I always though Abe got the short end of the stick; his birthday was just pretty much ignored. But I … Continue reading

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Victims of Oppression are on Their Own

We went out to dinner with some friends on Valentine’s Day, and afterward we stopped by their house for drinks. The conversation turned to war(s). I actually borrowed a book titled Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War by Patrick J. … Continue reading

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Gray Matter

Today’s topic was suggested by another family blogger — one of the authors of “The Puppy Files.” Dave mentioned that they had just bought Bella a new leash and apparently the color of these things is important — like buying a … Continue reading

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Happy V-Day

Well, here it is Valentine’s Day again. The day is dedicated to Saint Valentine — the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travelers, and young people. The origin of … Continue reading

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Whatever You Are, Be a Good One

I’d like to send out a big ‘Hey, Happy Birthday’ wish to my friend, Abraham Lincoln. Abe, as I like to call him, is probably best known for the penny. The first penny with his picture on it was issued … Continue reading

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Who shud Lern to reed and spel gud?

I’m not a good speller — never have been. I used to hate that subject in school. Of course I was excited when I saw my first “spell checker” on a computer. I figured my troubles were over. One thing … Continue reading

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I swore I wasn’t going to pay any attention to the presidential election until much closer to November — but — it’s really hard to have an extended conversation with anyone without it at least being mentioned. Lately every time … Continue reading

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