Monthly Archives: July 2019


This subject has come up before, but last week it surfaced again… everyone seems to have their own opinion as to what the “D” in “D-Day” stands for. During our after golf discussion that address “important subjects,” it was decided … Continue reading

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Full Moon Rising

A lot of people, including a few members of our family, believe that a full moon brings out the worst in people. I’ve read all sorts of stories about more suicides, more violence, more accidents, and more aggression occurring when … Continue reading

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It’s A Trick

Over the years, I’ve had a number of occasions to have physical therapy. I’ve been told, and I don’t disagree, that this type of treatment can do miraculous things for certain aches and pains or injuries. I have friends that … Continue reading

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The Street Where I Lived….

Yesterday I’d mentioned that I lived on Tu Do Street when I was in Saigon. It was, and still is, the most historic street in Saigon. It’s original name was Rue Catinat (the French seem to always attach rue to … Continue reading

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Moon Landing

Fifty years ago today, the US astronauts landed on the Moon. It’s one of those events that just about everyone can remember where they were when it happened. I was in Saigon at the time and I watched the moon … Continue reading

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AM Only

Both you faithful readers know that I’ve always been fascinated by technology and have often times come into possession of some of the first ones of the “technologically advanced” devices produced. (One of the very first H-P Scientific Calculators, one … Continue reading

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Gene Autry

When last you read this blog, you’ll remember I mentioned a town in Oklahoma by the name of Gene Autry. In my last entry, you may have noticed that I indicated that it was Gene Autry’s birthplace, but if you … Continue reading

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POWs in Oklahoma

There’s been a lot of news lately about the immigrants being held in “camps” along our southern border. Many have compared them to the concentration camps of World War II. Although I was young when World War II ended, I … Continue reading

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I Remember… Usually

Yesterday I rambled on about forgetting what day of the week it was — memory lapses can be frustrating, but most of the time they aren’t cause for concern. When I was doing extensive research for yesterday’s blog, it became … Continue reading

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Today Is….

A friend of ours has a terrible time remembering what day of the week it is. She’s well into her 80s and I think she worries she may be getting dementia or something like that. Well, of course I got … Continue reading

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