Monthly Archives: November 2020

Happy Birthday

Terrible twos are gone, but there’s still two. Happy Third Birthday Rory and Ellie!!— 30 —

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Black Friday

Seems like I start all my blogs like this lately…. in 2020 Black Friday will look different. I’ve always been curious about the term “Black Friday,” as a descriptor for the day after Thanksgiving…. A popular myth is that  the … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving — 2020

Like just about everything else in 2020, Thanksgiving will be a little (or a lot) different this year. Our holidays have become “traditional” and the fact that they’ll be different this year just makes us more aware of the constant … Continue reading

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The Plan

A lot of years ago (when I was young and foolish — as opposed to now, when I’m old and foolish) rental cars were a kind of novelty. You couldn’t necessarily rent a car at every airport, and the cars … Continue reading

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A friend and I were talking about requirements a few days ago. We both worked on the same projects a couple of times over the years and what brought the subject up, was the mention of someone we both worked … Continue reading

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…. with Fries

A few days ago, during a conversation, something came up and it was compared to the time right after “9-11.” It seemed like for a time after that event, the nation seemed united and people were just generally nicer to … Continue reading

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Language Update

A couple of days ago, I heard someone say, “ I don’t mean to be a pest, but….” I remember when I was a kid, I was often told not to be a pest. I had forgotten that it seemed … Continue reading

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A lot of people probably dreaded to get out of bed today. Those people likely suffer from at least one, maybe two, phobias — paraskevidekatriaphobia and/or triskaidekaphobia. Just like a black cat crossing your path, breaking a mirror or walking … Continue reading

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Honor Them All

Today is Veterans Day — not Veteran’s Day or Veterans’ Day, just veterans — no apostrophe. It is often written inappropriately, just like Daylight Saving Time — it’s not savings, it’s just saving. In this case using the apostrophe implies … Continue reading

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Good Choice

Well, here we about a third of the way into November… three of our grandkids have birthdays this month, so I thought I’d do some extensive research into the characteristics of people born in November. Here’s what I discovered. Studies … Continue reading

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