Monthly Archives: December 2022

First…. and Last

Well, it’s almost 2023 — even though the big countdown to the new year happens just before midnight everywhere in the world, the time zone where you live determines who gets to celebrate first (and last.) So who gets to … Continue reading

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Underground Operation

Most of what CIA does is classified and the general public doesn’t learn about it until years later — if ever. A couple of us were talking the other day over our “Christmas beers,” and remembered an operation that has … Continue reading

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2023 Resolutions

Every Year about this time I make New Year’s Resolutions. Why? Because it’s what I do. I admit that I often times (usually) don’t keep these resolutions, but that’s not the point. Resolutions are a way of expressing one’s desire … Continue reading

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Unluckiest Day

Earlier this month I mentioned that some consider December 28th the unluckiest day on the Christian calendar. Since today is December 28, I thought it might be good day to talk about that…. It seems that how December 28 got … Continue reading

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The Secret’s Out

All our lives, we are subjected to “rude awakenings” — Santa, the Easter Bunny, professional wrestling, etc. Seems like there is more “fake” stuff than real stuff anymore. I figured, at my age, I was beyond being shocked — but … Continue reading

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Don’t Fight Today

Every year on December 26, our calendars on our phones and computers show that it is Boxing Day (Canada.) I’m not sure why it specifies Canada, because Boxing Day is a public holiday in the United Kingdom and a lot … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

Well I think it’s just about time for my annual, or at least almost annual, Christmas blog. I was thinking about Christmas over the years. Although Christmas is always a bit hectic, the last few years it’s been crazy. What … Continue reading

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Second Amendment

Here in West Virginia, guns are a common thing — many/most go hunting at least a couple of times a year and I grew up in Oklahoma where many/most people owned at least one gun. Not as much hunting in … Continue reading

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Let There Be Light

I got busy yesterday and forgot to mention one of December’s big events — the winter solstice.This year’s winter solstice occurred yesterday, December 21, 2022 at 4:48 p.m. EST for all of us in the Northern Hemisphere. This event is … Continue reading

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Lot of Shaking Going On

If you watched or listened to the news this morning you know that 6.4-magnitude earthquake occurred in northern California.  Earthquakes are scary things — they happen without warning and there are no “earthquake shelters” or anyplace you can hide from … Continue reading

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