Monthly Archives: March 2020

Back Up

Today, March 31 is World Backup Day. Last year at this time, you’ll remember that I was kind of excited about the day — until — I learned that backup day didn’t have anything to do with going backwards. I’m … Continue reading

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Food for Thought

Spending more time at home recently, I’ve increased my reading, although a lot of it has been via the Internet. For some reason, I’ve recently been drawn to several writings about, and by, Theodore Roosevelt. I’m becoming more and more … Continue reading

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When in Doubt — Punt

Well, if you’ve been keeping up the last few days, you know that (most) wine bottles have a deep, concave indention on their bottoms. You also know that that indention is called a punt. Now that we’re all aware that … Continue reading

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Gold Stars

One of my recent entries, about nostalgia, mentioned gold stars that were placed in the windows of families that had lost someone during World War II. I got to thinking about that and thought the subject was worth another visit. … Continue reading

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We got some wine the other day and for some reason I mentioned the punt on one of the bottles being exceptionally large. Claire said she didn’t know the indention on the bottom of the bottle had a name. Well, … Continue reading

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It’s A Baseball Thing

The other night Claire groaned and I asked what was wrong. She said she just got a charley horse. Sometimes I get those leg muscle spasms — they really hurt.  Anyhow, I got to thinking… Who is/was this Charley? And … Continue reading

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You Can’t Fool All the People — or Maybe You Can

I was talking to someone (at a social distance) a few days ago and they believed that the government was doing an excellent job of managing the coronavirus crisis. You can count me in the group that believes it might … Continue reading

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The Way It Was

I’ve seen these “nostalgia” lists before and usually find them interesting. My neighbor sent me one a few days ago. It talked about people’s lives and things they experienced if they were born in the time frame from 1930 to … Continue reading

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Keep Calm

These are trying times, to say the least. I hope everyone is doing well and practicing all these new rules and regulations that come with completely new terminology, like “social distancing.” We’re trying to follow the rules and are sticking … Continue reading

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Happy Spring

Even though I (and the weather people) have declared it to be spring since the 1st of March, today marks the astronomical first day spring in the Northern Hemisphere. If you’ve followed this blog over the years, you’ve probably heard … Continue reading

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