Monthly Archives: September 2020

😢 Loser

As painful as it was, I watched the presidential debate last night.In my, admittedly simplistic, mind the big loser was the United States of America….— 30 —

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Confucius Day

Today is Confucius Day — in honor of Confucius. You probably know that, among other things, Confucius was an early Chinese philosopher. Confucius was born in China on October 18, 551 B.C. and if not the first, certainly one of … Continue reading

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Get to the Point

We went to church last week and after church I was talking to a friend that I hadn’t seen in a few weeks. I had almost forgotten that the simplest conversation with him takes a long time. I think we … Continue reading

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You all know that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will lie in state at the U.S. Capitol — according to the news, the first woman to ever be given the honor. Well, in this day of not believing everything … Continue reading

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Hello Fall

If you’ve read this blog over the years, you know that there have been several entries about and around the equinoxes. There are a lot of myths and traditions associated with these events and those “turning points” have played significant … Continue reading

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Argh, me hearties! Here be me most favorite holiday again — Talk Like a Pirate Day. Shiver ye timbers and buckle ye swash ‚ me and me wench Claire have been lookin fore t’ it since last year. You can … Continue reading

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We were watching Jeopardy the other night and there was a question about fishing that I knew the answer to — Claire was amazed that I knew it. I’ve never been a big fan of fishing. Actually, I kind of … Continue reading

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Over the years I’ve had a lot of unique, interesting friends. One of those friends was Gerald (Jerry) Siemienkiewicz. You may think, from his last name, that he was a character. To call Jerry a character would be a gross … Continue reading

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I was reading earlier today and and ran across this quote: “You are not what you think you are, you are not what others think you are but you are what you think others think you are.” I thought it … Continue reading

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Never Forget

Today is the anniversary of one of those times that we can all remember exactly what we were doing 19 years ago — the September 11 attacks, or 9/11 attacks, are forever etched in our memories.  None of us need … Continue reading

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