Monthly Archives: February 2015

And the Winner is….

We watched the Academy Awards, or Oscars, on Sunday night — we actually watched the entire thing to the finish. I didn’t know a lot of the “famous” people and hadn’t seen any of the movies nominated for best picture. … Continue reading

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You Can’t Win

If you’ve read this blog for very long, you know that I periodically go off about insurance and specifically insurance companies. Seems like there isn’t a week goes by that we don’t have some issue with some kind of insurance. … Continue reading

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Presumed Wrong

There was an article in one of the local papers a few days ago that discussed a problem the author was having with a utility company over some billing charges. I expect this sounds all too familiar to everyone old … Continue reading

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Yet Another New Year

Today is Chinese New Years, but it also happens to be Tet — the Vietnamese New Year. A lot of Americans never heard of Tet before the Vietnam War, and the Viet Cong offensive in 1968. Tet is often associated … Continue reading

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Tigers and Sheep

Tomorrow we start another new (Chinese) year. This year, Chinese New Year begins on February 19 and it’s the Year of the Goat/Sheep. Some people refer to it as the Year of the Ram. As both the faithful readers of … Continue reading

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Big Sales

Tomorrow is Presidents Day — a fairly recent holiday when the banks and post office, government, usually schools and a few other establishments close and the remainder of the population sell stuff, or buy stuff. Presidents Day is mostly known … Continue reading

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I’m in the Mood for….

Well, here it is again — that most romantic of all days. The day when all the retailers convince you that your level of romance is directly proportional to amount of money spent…. and the day it’s impossible to go … Continue reading

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What Ever Happened to Harvey?

Last night we had a guest for dinner and when Claire was planning what to serve, she mentioned that maybe she’d make a Harvey Wallbanger cake. Those of you old enough to have been drinking in the late 1960s and … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday…

… to my old friend, Abraham. Abraham Lincoln would have been 206 years old today. Happy Birthday, Abe!! — 30 —

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One of the activities that I’ve been able to participate in more since we moved to West Virginia is golf. The courses aren’t crowded and the cost is reasonable. Four or five of us play on a pretty regular basis … Continue reading

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