Monthly Archives: January 2022


Today is the last day of January — tomorrow we get into the shortest month of the year, but there’s a lot going on in February. I’ll be blogging about a lot of February’s special days throughout the month, but … Continue reading

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It Happened in January

Well, we’re almost through the first month of the new year and past the date we can officially ditch our resolutions for the year. Only one more month of (probably) crappy weather before we can start looking forward to spring. … Continue reading

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Virtual Learning

There’s been a lot in the news lately (actually, for a long time) about the havoc that the Corona virus is causing in our schools. There’s the mask debate of masks or no masks and the difference of opinions over … Continue reading

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Almost a year ago one of my blog entries discussed redundancies, and while that particular blog didn’t specifically discuss oxymorons, it did address the subject of using two incompatible words together in one expression. Well, for no particular reason, I … Continue reading

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The Ampersand

The ampersand (&) is an often over-used abbreviation for the word “and.” It seems like I’ve seen it used incorrectly a lot recently — maybe it gets more use because with all the texting, people tend to abbreviate everything. From … Continue reading

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Anything Good?

Honestly, the last couple of years have been pretty crappy. Just about all our “normal” activities have had to be modified in some way. I know we’re always supposed to look on the bright side of things, or for the … Continue reading

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An American Tradition

Last year at this time, we were inaugurating a new President — something we’ve done every four year since our nation was founded, and — hopefully — something we’ll continue to do forever.This isn’t an inauguration year, but I think … Continue reading

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Ditch Your Resolutions Day

Ok, this blog is aimed mostly at those two or three people that made resolutions for the new year. Today is your day — it’s Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. Believe me, I know how hard it is to follow … Continue reading

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MLK Jr. Day — 2022

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. King is arguably the best known civil rights leader — he was born Michael King Jr. (not Martin) on January 15, 1929. His father, a pastor at a Baptist church in Atlanta, traveled … Continue reading

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First Full Moon

It’s supposed to snow later today — along with ice and freezing rain. So even though tomorrow is a holiday, it may not turn out to be the best one, weather-wise. But even with the inclement weather, Monday is shaping … Continue reading

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