Monthly Archives: February 2013

Let the Games Begin…

As both you readers know, the Pope resigned on February 11 and since then I’ve been doing extensive research into all things Pope-ish. One of the more fascinating things I’ve discovered is a prophecy that the next Pope to be … Continue reading

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The Nothing Zone

Yesterday I mentioned that one trait (I like to refer to them as talents or gifts) that I have is selective listening. Another talent of mine (probably one of many) that seems to puzzle Claire on occasion is my ability … Continue reading

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Selective Listening

Claire often refers to my “selective listening” and I guess to some extent she’s right. I actually do have a hearing problem, so I don’t necessarily hear everything Claire (or anyone else) says. But selective listening is a a trait … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

Well, here it is Washington’s Birthday, or as we seem to like to call it now, “President’s Day.” It’s not actually Washington’s Birthday — its just an excuse for a three-day weekend and a chance for retailers to have their … Continue reading

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There’s been a lot in the news lately about the battery problems Boeing is having with the new 787 airplane. Batteries have always been a puzzlement to me. Just look at all the advances in electronics over the past 20 … Continue reading

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If you’ve been watching the news, listening to the radio, reading newspapers, checking the Internet or just talking to people, you’re probably aware that a meteorite struck Russia this morning and caused a bit of damage — from the sonic … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone. In the past I’ve often discussed how teachers receive more valentines than anyone else, how roses are the favorite gift and how chocolate became a food for lovers and things like that. I’ve even mentioned … Continue reading

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Happy Fastnacht Day

Well, here it is the day before Ash Wednesday and people are celebrating Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday or whatever other name the day gets “in your neck of the woods.” Here in West Virginia, we picked up a new name … Continue reading

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Traditional Morality

I’ve been reading a lot about the Boy Scouts recently. A couple of days ago there was an article about the Southern Baptist Convention and their claim that it would be a “catastrophe” to lift the gay ban on Boy … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day & New Year

Well, here it is February — not one of my favorite months. Weather is blah, and there aren’t even any good holidays to cheer things up. There’s of course Valentine’s Day, but lately it’s become a real hassle to go … Continue reading

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