Some Things I Miss….

A couple of days ago I wrote about how Legos had changed over the years and how I sort of missed the old ones. I realize that life and all the things around us are pretty much in a constant state of change, but some of the changes —in my mind — just aren’t necessarily for the better.

Some of the things I miss besides Lego sets with no special pieces…
Real volume knobs on devices — they gave you really fine control, not like the digital buttons on most things today.
Drive-in movies — I thought it was pretty cool on a summer night to go to the movies and not have to get out of your car, except for maybe popcorn. And if you thought ahead, you brought the popcorn with you….
Blue jeans becoming worn or tattered from wear — not off the rack and “pre-worn” for you at an exorbitant price.
Wooden crates that used to hold soda bottles — they looked cool and kept the bottles from rattling and you could use them to stand on and all sorts of things…
Another thing I miss is records. I know they were big, easily scratched , you had to take care of them, and they did wear out over time but I enjoyed the jacket covers and the little blurbs written on them about the musicians or music on the album. I realize getting music online is more convenient and faster, maybe even cheaper — but I do miss records…
I also miss the test patterns on the TV early in the morning and late at night, A&W root beer stands, swings made out of old tires, playing outdoor games in the summer until 10 pm, gas stations where they actually pumped the gas for you, cartoons at the movies before the main attraction started and drug stores that had soda fountains…

Something I really miss is living in a corruption free society — I realize there never was such a thing, but compared to today, it seemed corruption free. But as they say, today is a gift of God, and that’s why we call it the present. And the past is never where you think you left it anyhow….
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