Monthly Archives: January 2017

Goodbye January, Hello February

Well, here it is the last day of January — tomorrow brings February, the kind of “odd” month of the year. Not only is it the shortest month of the year, it’s the only month that can pass with no … Continue reading

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As usual, there’s absolutely no point to this… just a trip down memory lane. It all started this morning when I read that on this day (January 30) in 1933, the “Lone Ranger” began a 21-year run on ABC radio. … Continue reading

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Happy 4714

Well, here it is that time again — Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year of 2017 arrives today (January 28) this year and it is the 4714th Chinese year. To most of us this is the year of the … Continue reading

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Margie was a very special and unique member of our family… she was a wife, mother, aunt, sister, sister-in-law, volunteer, family member and friend — but, she was much more than that. She raised six children while living a full … Continue reading

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Let’s Eat

A couple of days ago I got an e-mail from a friend that mostly talked about old car terms that we don’t hear much anymore, like the knob that a lot of people put on their steering wheel, continental kits … Continue reading

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Let It Snow

Well, here it is January 6 and we got our first snow last night. This morning we had probably between two and three inches on the ground. So far, 2017 has been pretty much a bummer, weather wise… we’re wondering … Continue reading

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We’re Off!!

Well here it is 2017 — a fresh start. Hope things are going good for everyone… The next couple of weeks may well be the calm before the storm…on the morning of January 20, the President-elect, Donald Trump will visit … Continue reading

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