Monthly Archives: October 2019

Happy Halloween

Well, today is not April Fool’s Day… you may think that when I tell you that the Nationals just won the World Series. I’ll repeat that just so you don’t miss it — The Nationals won the World Series!!! It’s … Continue reading

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Same…. Not Same

A while back during one of our discussions of all things important, it was mentioned that men have one less rib than women. Interestingly, just about everyone agreed that was true. A couple of us disagreed, but not much came … Continue reading

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Presidential Thoughts

A few days ago I ran across a quote from President Eisenhower when he was President…. “We the people, elect leaders not to rule but to serve” I wonder how many people in Washington today believe that? — 30 — … Continue reading

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Watch Your Ps and Fs

When we lived in the Philippines the American Embassy had a compound located right on Manila Bay that had a swimming pool, restaurant and a large bar area. The “club” was staffed by Filipinos. We usually stopped by the club … Continue reading

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Damn Yankees???

Those of you old enough to remember may recall an old musical comedy set in Washington, D.C. in the 1950s. It’s one of the few musicals I’m aware of that’s based on our national pastime — baseball. The musical is … Continue reading

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Ten-Ten Day — 2019

Both faithful readers of this blog know that today is one of those holidays that we faithfully celebrate every year. We refer to it as Ten-Ten Day or Double Ten Day — October 10 is celebrated as National Day in … Continue reading

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The “I” Word

If you’ve been awake the last few days, you’ve probably heard the word impeachment so many times you’re sick of it. I’m pretty sure I know what impeachment means and have a fairly good understanding of how it works. But … Continue reading

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