Monthly Archives: February 2023

Mystery (Un)solved?

Yesterday, I talked about Edgar Allan Poe kind of being the “inventor” of the modern detective story. So I guess it’s only fitting that when he died, his death was kind of “mysterious.” Most people agree that Poe was a … Continue reading

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Mystery Solved?

For some reason I seem to have been doing a lot with books lately. Claire spends a fair amount of time trying to keep the St. Agnes library in some semblance  of order and a few days ago I helped … Continue reading

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More Luck

Yesterday’s topic discussed how some people believe a rabbit’s foot can bring you good luck. But there are a lot of “good luck charms” and some of them don’t seem to make much sense. But they’ve all earned their place … Continue reading

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One Year

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On June 4, 1951, the Cleveland Indians played the New York Yankees — in Cleveland. The Indians were major underdogs. In fact, the Indians prospects were so dismal that the Plain Dealerr distributed lucky rabbits’ feet to the Indian fans. … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday George — Really

I know, a few days ago we celebrated “President’s Day,” but officially the day that we celebrated was not President’s Day, but Washington’s Birthday. Neither Congress nor the President has ever stipulated that the name of the holiday observed as … Continue reading

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Margarita Day

Boy, talk about being one busy day — besides being Washington’s birthday and Ash Wednesday, it’s also National Margarita Day. Today’s the day we pay tribute and honor the margarita. How did the first margarita come into existence? It’s a … Continue reading

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Ash Wednesday

The practice of marking worshippers’ foreheads with ashes in the  shape of a cross is one of Christianity’s most visible rituals. Ash Wednesday is important because it marks the start of the Lenten period leading up to Easter, when Christians … Continue reading

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Fat Tuesday

Mardi Gras is a 300-plus-year-old holiday — one of the longest, most widely celebrated holidays across the world, bringing together countries with vastly different cultures and backgrounds to celebrate in their own unique ways.  Better known as “Carnival” in much … Continue reading

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President’s Day — 2023

President’s Day is celebrated every year on the third Monday of February. It’s a day to remember all the presidents in American history — today’s the day to honor them for their work in making America the great country it … Continue reading

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