Monthly Archives: November 2010

No. 1 Blogger (some restrictions apply)

Being a Redskins fan, during this time of year, I usually read the sports section a little more thoroughly than at other times of the year. Today I read something that increased my suspicions that sports just aren’t what they … Continue reading

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Lame Duck

As some of you know, we continue to subscribe to the Washington Post even though we now live “way out here in (almost Heaven) West Virginia.” Since the election, the Post has been full of articles about the “lame duck” … Continue reading

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A couple of days ago, we were driving somewhere and Claire spotted a billboard, or maybe it was one of those signs outside some church, but anyhow it mentioned one of the Ten Commandments. I think the commandment had to … Continue reading

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Well, I’m getting ready to “sleep in” in the morning because it’s that time again – time to change the clocks. There will be the usual few days of disorientation as it’ll take a while to remember which clocks we … Continue reading

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Pajamas is a funny word – I have a pair with feet and ducks on them and usually refer to them as jammies or PJs. Our friends from Zimbabwe spell the word “pajamas,” and refer to them as sleeping attire. … Continue reading

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