Monthly Archives: August 2020

A New Language

Since both the political conventions are over, we can now get back to the thing that’s probably the most troubling to most of us — COVID-19. Although I think I heard it referred to as the “China Virus” more than … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Today is one of those very special days that a lot of people probably don’t know about. Today is Chinese Valentine’s Day. I know you’re excited, but don’t go marking your calendars and look forward to August 25 every year … Continue reading

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No More Spelling?

We’ve been getting a lot of texts from our granddaughter, Emily, lately. It’s probably safe to say that every one of them contains (lots) more than one “emoji.” Emojis are just one of the many things that I really don’t … Continue reading

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Good Service

Many years ago I did a lot of traveling in Southeast Asia. I think I’ve mentioned before that maybe my favorite place of everywhere I’ve been is Hong Kong. In fact on just about every trip, if it was at … Continue reading

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The OT

Our niece, Kylee, just became a genuine, informed, trained, scholarly, intelligent, enlightened, knowledgeable, skilled, proficient, capable, stellar, eruditely, approved, college educated, board-certified, Occupational Therapist, or as we in the know like to say, an “OT.” I always knew Kylee was … Continue reading

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When I was growing up, my favorite cookie was two round chocolate wafers with a creamy white filling between them. Yep, that’s right they were Hydrox cookies. I know, you probably thought I was talking about Oreo cookies, but believe … Continue reading

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Wireless Phone

Over the course of the history of this blog, the subject has been telephones on a number of occasions. The telephone is an interesting topic, and like a lot (most) things, it’s made tremendous progress, technologically, over the years. It’s … Continue reading

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B S & T

Forty-nine years ago tonight was pretty special. We were at the Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland. So not to keep you in suspense, it was our first date — we went to Merriweather Post to see Blood, Sweat and … Continue reading

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Get Smart

A few weeks ago, the subject of this blog turned to schools — primarily because of the change the coronavirus has had on the education system. That led to me reminiscing about my school days and the mention of a … Continue reading

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Two, Three, Four or Six

Even though we’re still early in August, some leaves are starting to fall and it’s apparent that summer is coming to a close — goodbye summer, hello fall. I was thinking about seasons… most people experience four seasons: winter, spring, … Continue reading

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