Monthly Archives: January 2020

Those Poor Birds

In yesterday’s blog, I mentioned that President Trump had a thing against wind power and especially windmills. Here’s his quote on the subject:  “If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill, because it’s a very sad, … Continue reading

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It’s Not the Heat, or the Humidity — it’s the Wind

Haven’t heard too much about the wall being built along our southern border lately, but some news blew in last night. According to the news I read from a couple of sources, a section of the wall was taken down … Continue reading

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Super Bowl LIV

Super Bowl LIV is on tap for this Sunday. For some reason I haven’t heard quite as much hype about it this year… maybe San Francisco and Kansas City just don’t generate that much interest. From what I’ve heard, Kansas … Continue reading

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Xin Nian Kuki Le

Well, we’re now into the 2020s (“twenty-twenties”) or “two thousand (and) twenties” decade in the Gregorian calendar… but the Chinese New Year doesn’t begin until today (January 25th.) And the festival will last until February 8th — about 15 days. … Continue reading

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Super Bowl Predictions

Every year, sometime before the first pre-season NFL game is played, I use my excellent analytic and forecasting ability to predict who will play in the Super Bowl. Here’s the way it works — I write down the name of … Continue reading

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I’ve mentioned numerous times in the past that we often go out for Asian food. Before we moved from Vienna, we went to a Chinese restaurant pretty much every week. Since moving here to Shepherdstown, we often go to Kome … Continue reading

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Southern Cross

The moon was especially big and bright a few nights ago and I just stayed outside and watched it for several minutes. The “sky” has been in the news a good amount lately — a student discovered a new planet, … Continue reading

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Rooster Tails

Some time back, I talked about barns and why they were painted red. One thing that often/usually existed on older barns was a weathervane. At one time, these things were considered essential for farmers to have… today they’re more decorative, … Continue reading

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John the Baptist — wasn’t

Politics and Religion are usually good topics to stay away from. I think I usually avoid those subjects for the most part, and when I do discuss them I’m only expressing an opinion…. not trying to influence anyone else’s opinions … Continue reading

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When I was growing up, the term “Morse Code” was familiar to most people. Many/most people couldn’t read Morse Code and most weren’t even sure what it was, but they had at least heard the term. That’s probably not the … Continue reading

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