Monthly Archives: January 2011

They’re New

We get an AARP newsletter and I rarely do more than glance at it, but there was an article that caught my eye a few days ago. It talked about how our language is changing and it listed some terms … Continue reading

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Gift Wrap

Received a HNY greeting and a question from Chris a few days ago: “Here’s a question 4 u. How did wrapping gifts come to be?” Well, I turned to the resident expert for help with this one. Claire is one … Continue reading

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Happy Anniversary

Too often we let special events in the lives of our friends just slip by without remembering them. I know it happens to us a lot. Today, I just want to remember our friends George and Martha Washington (you may … Continue reading

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I, Jimmy, Do Resolve

Claire has asked me two or three times in the past few days if I’ve made any new year resolutions. I think I answered her with something like, no – but I guess I probably should. Every year, with the … Continue reading

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The Big Four — Oh!

Happy New Year to everyone – and happy Fourth to Emily. She’s four months old today – probably a big party tonight!!! -30-  

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