Monthly Archives: August 2021

Goodbye August

Well, August is pretty much in the books. There are a couple of events that occurred the last day of August that I still remember…. in 1982 an 11-day standoff in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, between government officials and an armed … Continue reading

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X, Y, or Something Else

A few days ago I dropped something off at our church and one of the people in the office said something about being a member of Generation X. I realized that I’ve heard various references to the different “generations” for … Continue reading

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Nine Lives

Pippin is the cat that lives next door. He moved in more than 12 years ago…. I don’t know how old he was when he moved here. Pippin is an “outdoor cat” and a lot of people think he belongs … Continue reading

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First Day — Next Step

Monday, Locke started school — first day of grade (elementary) school. Today Emily starts school — first day of middle school. New school, new challenges, new friends, new phase of her learning experience.After virtual school last year, I’m sure she’s … Continue reading

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Over the Hill

I was with a small group recently, and the term “over the hill” was used. Actually, I hadn’t heard it for a long time…. you may find that surprising, given my age, but I hadn’t heard it for a while. … Continue reading

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At the end of his first day in first grade, Locke’s favorite subjects in school are Snacks, Recess and Writing.He is truly my grandson!!— 30 — .

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First Day, First Grade

Today, the school year started for the first of our grandchildren — Locke is the first back to school this year, the others will follow over the next few days. This is big deal for Locke — he’s in first … Continue reading

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The Test of Time

We were talking about urban legends the other day and the subject of Twinkies came up. I’m not sure why, but Twinkies seem to have always been a good topic for a tall tale, You’ve probably heard a lot or … Continue reading

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If you’ve been following the news lately you’re probably aware of the so-called “Havana syndrome.” It’s been going on for some years, but the previous President didn’t pay much attention to it and we’re just learning how disorganized the government … Continue reading

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Line Up

We voted early in the last Presidential election — at the county court house in Charles Town. We stood in line for a long time to vote…. I’d say the line was two or three blocks long. Well, that got me … Continue reading

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