Monthly Archives: December 2020

Goodbye 2020

This year is finally drawing to a close and most people are happy to see it go. A few people that I’ve talked with refer to 2020 at the “lost year.” Of course the year wasn’t really “lost,” but when … Continue reading

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I Do Resolve — Again

It’s that time again — New Year Resolution time!  I don’t mean to keep harping on it, but 2020 really has been a crappy year. I just read an article that a survey was taken that indicated that seven in … Continue reading

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As we count down to the end of the year, I’ve seen a couple of TV programs and read a few news articles reviewing the events of the past year. Obviously 2020 has been unlike any other year that most … Continue reading

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A Christmas Secret

Merry Christmas everyone. I think I mentioned yesterday that Emily had done/was doing a FaceTime call with Santa. I found out that wasn’t technically true. A day or so ago, she had a Zoom session with Santa Claus. I’m not … Continue reading

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He’s Coming to Town

Well here it is time for my almost annual Christmas Blog. Christmas will be a little quite around our house this year, but I think it’ll still be nice. Christmas activities, like everything, have changed… probably not so much for … Continue reading

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It’s Almost Christmas — Easter is Coming

I read an article the other day that proposed that Christmas should always be on a Wednesday. It listed a number of reasons why that would be a good day to celebrate Christmas every year, such as it wouldn’t be … Continue reading

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Christmas Trees

Last year just about this time, I talked about Christmas trees and mentioned that over the years, we’ve had a lot of Christmas trees in quite a few places. I mentioned that most Christmas memories are not of the tree … Continue reading

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12 Days of Christmas

Well, it’s getting close to Christmas and its snowing outside… so I thought I might as well continue with the Christmas theme. Both my faithful readers know over the years I’ve discussed the t2 days of Christmas a few times … Continue reading

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Christmas Pickle

You could spend a good part of the year looking at all the Christmas ornaments on our Christmas trees. I have no idea how many we have, but there’s a lot. I think Claire’s philosophy is that you can never … Continue reading

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Lots About Christmas

I’ve been hearing a lot lately about the “Christmas Star” that will appear in the sky on December 21st. The so-called “star” will be the closest visible conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 800 years. On December 21 (the winter … Continue reading

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