Monthly Archives: December 2019

Out With the Old

The year is drawing to a close and it’s time for me to come up with my resolutions for 2020. As always, I go through this routine telling you how most people (including me) don’t keep their resolutions, so why … Continue reading

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Four Thousand Years

A day or so ago, I gave everyone an update on how I did on my New Year’s resolutions for 2019. I do this pretty much every year.  And — I usually ramble on about why people even bother to … Continue reading

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I Do Resolve, Again….

If you look at the calendar, you’ll see that the year is running out and the countdown to the new year has started. Every year somewhere around this time, I give everyone an update on the New Year’s Resolutions I … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

To both my faithful readers — and everyone else except my daily 263 spammers, I wish you all the very merriest Christmas. Oh, what the heck — I wish my daily 263 spammers a Merry Christmas, too. Merry Christmas to … Continue reading

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I see that the movie version of “Cats” is out. I saw the play/musical twice, at the National Theater and the Kennedy Center. The first time I saw it I didn’t like it. The second time I saw it I … Continue reading

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A Star

A few days ago when I sat down at this blog machine, the subject was stars. I indicated that we didn’t have any stars on top of our Christmas trees… but we do have a star in the family. That … Continue reading

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A Memorable Christmas Tree

Well, here we are at just about Christmas time already — seems like we’ve been especially busy this year — or — maybe I’m just moving slower and it seems like we’re busier. Anyhow, it’s kind of a tradition that … Continue reading

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No Stars

A few evenings ago we attended a Christmas party and everyone was given candy cane with a question on it. I’m not sure it was necessary, but the questions were intended to be “conversation starters.” The questions were all related … Continue reading

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Lots of Stuff

Tomorrow night (December 12) the last full moon of the decade will appear. It’s hard to believe we’re already entering the next decade, but here we are… I got to thinking about things that happened in this current decade — … Continue reading

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Just a Thought

Like some people, I’ve tried to watch some of the congressional hearings the past couple of weeks. What with holiday activities gearing up and all, I’ve just caught bits and pieces of the proceedings. I find them interesting in a … Continue reading

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