Monthly Archives: July 2022

More Time

A few days a go, I was again on the topic of time. That particular entry discussed Planck time and got a little complicated…. so today I thought we’d tackle the old question, does time really go faster as we … Continue reading

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Happy Times

A few blogs ago, the subject was Carry Nation and her campaign to abolish alcohol from the face of the Earth. Unfortunately, Carry died before the U.S. established nationwide prohibition in 1920. Prohibition was repealed in 1933. So a good … Continue reading

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Over the years that I’ve been writing this blog, the subject has been “time” on a number of occasions. From daylight saving “time” to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which is now referred to as UTC (Universal Time Coordinated.) Various times … Continue reading

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Look Up Today

When I was a kid growing up in Maysville, anytime the weather was decent, we were outside. We weren’t poor, but I didn’t have a lot of “store-bought” toys — nobody did. So my friends and I made a lot … Continue reading

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Let There Be A Light

I had my car inspected recently and while I was looking for my proof of insurance card and the receipt that said I’d paid my taxes, I ran across a whole bunch of other stuff — stuff that I have … Continue reading

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Carry Nation

One of my grandmothers truly believed that alcohol was totally the “root of all evil.” I alway felt bad for my grandad — he never got to enjoy a cold beer or a glass of wine. My grandad really did … Continue reading

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Good Day For Pi

Today, July 22, is Pi Approximation Day. Another day dedicated to the mathematical constant pi (∏) I know there seems to be a lot of pi days — people who write their date in month/date format celebrate Pi Day on … Continue reading

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SOS Mystery

I listened to a conversation a while back that I really couldn’t believe was even happening. The subject was distress signals. Specifically — SOS. The two participants that started the discussion disagreed as to what SOS meant… one said it … Continue reading

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An Act of Kindness

A number of years ago, during my working years, it became necessary for me to spend quite a bit of time in Philadelphia. The trips were usually short — 2 to 3 days at most. Back then it was only … Continue reading

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Barbara Millicent Roberts

When our daughter was young she had a number of Barbie dolls and I’m pretty sure that all our granddaughters have Barbie dolls. I read somewhere that Barbie is the most popular fashion doll ever produced, and the most diverse … Continue reading

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