Monthly Archives: November 2019

Credit Where Credit’s Due

I know I’ve addressed this topic before, but a couple of weeks ago we were in Cleveland and the subject came up again and seemed to generate a bit of interest. The conversation started when I was asked, again, “now … Continue reading

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For sake of completeness, this is a continuation of yesterday’s blog whose topic was — undertaker. During the undertaker discussion, another “funeral” term came up — wake. No one was really sure where the term came from. Here’s what my … Continue reading

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We had some behind-the-scenes tasks to accomplish prior to a funeral at our church this week. While we were working someone mentioned the word/term undertaker. When I was growing up in Maysville, Oklahoma, the town had one funeral home, and … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

It’s been a little busy around here couple of weeks and one noteworthy event got by me without me mentioning it here. Our number one grandson had a birthday!!Locke is now five years old. We hope to get to see … Continue reading

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What Happened to the Truth

I read something a bit disturbing the other day. Someone did the research and determined that Double Stuf Oreos are only 1.86 times as “stuf’ed” as classic Oreos. I think this is coming from the top. From the President right … Continue reading

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Almost 50 years ago when Claire and I decided to get married, we made a trip to Cleveland so I could meet the family. We weren’t aware of it at the time, but the family had planned a surprise party … Continue reading

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Address Change

Kelly and Chris and Emily live in Leesburg — or at least they did until today. In honor of the Nationals World Series victory, Leesburg officially changed the name of the town to Natsburg — through Sunday. I thought that … Continue reading

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Tastes Like Chicken

We went out to dinner with a group of friends the other evening. I’m not sure how the subject even came up, but city chicken was mentioned. There were ten people at the table and only two had ever even … Continue reading

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