Monthly Archives: February 2018

Presidents Day — 2018

Today is Presidents Day — a national holiday. However, neither Congress or the President has ever declared there is such a thing as Presidents Day. Even though today is an officially observed federal holiday, it is actually on the books … Continue reading

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Charge — Your Batteries….

Time sure flies — here it is Battery Day again. One year ago, right here on this blog, a fairly long discussion of batteries ensued. To say the battery has changed our lives would be an understatement. I don’t know … Continue reading

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CNY — 2018

Well, January is in the books, and so far I’m doing good with my new year resolutions — now it’s time to think about another new year — Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that … Continue reading

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The “S” Word

We spent some time at Dave and Chassie’s a couple of days ago. Rory and Ellie are getting bigger and beginning to act like little people — more aware of their surroundings and they smile and actually laugh out loud. … Continue reading

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Hearts and Ashes

It seems like we’re living in strange times lately… and 2018 is getting off to a pretty good start to being a strange year. We’ve already had a couple of full moons, super moons, blue moons and lunar eclipses, the … Continue reading

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Don’t Forget Abe

Tomorrow is February 12 — Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. There will be a few local celebrations in some states and a ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial. I believe there is also a ceremony at Lincoln’s birthplace in Kentucky. The third Monday … Continue reading

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I hate February. But, that said, I do feel a little bad for it. Even though lots of things happen in February, like Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays, Chinese New Year (usually) and most often the Super … Continue reading

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Groundhog Day All Over Again

Well, we made it through January — that’s the good news. The bad news is that January is followed by February. I’m really looking forward to spring, or at least warmer weather. Tomorrow is Groundhog Day… every year I usually … Continue reading

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