Monthly Archives: September 2013

They Do Exist

In the last update, I talked about barber poles and barbers. It reminded me of a story I heard a long time ago — it only uses barbers to make a point, but I always thought it was a good … Continue reading

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Pole Position

In a recent update to this blog, I mentioned the barber pole — when I was young essentially every barber shop had one. I learned at a very early age that the barber pole had more to do with the … Continue reading

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Ahoy Matey

Avast me hearties! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day! Hopefully you all remembered this special day and are dressed in your finest swashbuckling attire. On this raucous day you’ll find the streets filled with landlubbers yelling salty sea dog phrases … Continue reading

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So Much for Wooden Nickels — and Indians

I got a haircut yesterday – in a place that bore no resemblance to the barber shops that were everywhere  when I was younger. Barber shops were places were guys hung out, talked about sports, politics and “manly” things — … Continue reading

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