Monthly Archives: October 2016

Can You Hear Me Now?

When I was about six years old, we got something new in our house. This amazing device allowed you to talk to people in other places — it was called a telephone. I mean, it was really called a telephone. … Continue reading

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Wild and Wonderful

A couple of weeks ago, we were invited to Emily’s school for Grandparents Day. We obviously had a great time and are looking forward to it next year. I got to thinking about how everybody seem to have a “day,” … Continue reading

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I’m not a huge (professional) baseball fan… Ever since the major league strike prevented the World Series from being played a number of years ago, I’ve been “down” on the major leagues. Of course, this year is different. Faithful readers … Continue reading

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Wine of Champions

Last weekend while we were in Cleveland, John and Chris give us a bottle of wine. What makes this bottle unique is the label. It’s a Cleveland Indians label – their “club series.” To quote from the label, “In 1901, … Continue reading

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Fraud Protection or Frog Protection?

Well, here I go again… I told myself that i wouldn’t mention politics or the election any more until at least mid-November. But… I watched the third debate last night, still of the opinion that it’s my civic duty to … Continue reading

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City of Champions — and Stracenskys

We took a trip to the North Coast, sometimes known as Cleveland, over the weekend. Been a while since we were there, so it was good to see a lot of people again. We spent some time with Bobbie the … Continue reading

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Pound Away

This time of year you see all the pumpkins for sale and most are priced by the pound… it always reminds me of when our daughter, Kelly, was probably 4 or 5 years old. A friend had taken her to … Continue reading

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Happy Ten-Ten Day

Well, here it is Ten-Ten Day again. If you’ve read this blog over the years you know that it’s a day we always celebrate. Last year was a good year because Megan and Mike got married on Ten-Ten Day, but … Continue reading

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