Monthly Archives: October 2022

Halloween — 2022

Halloween is a fun and spooky holiday, steeped in folklore and superstitions. And even though we think of halloween as mostly a “kids” holiday, or a chance to dress up in costumes, halloween traditions stem from darker roots. About 2,000 … Continue reading

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Fall Classic

It’s time for that “Fall Classic” again — the World Series. I think I’ve mentioned before that when I was a kid, the World Series took precedence over just about everything this time of year. All the World Series games … Continue reading

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Avon Calling

A couple of days ago I got off on the subject of door-to-door salesmen — I forgot to mention that were pretty famous door-to-door saleswomen during that time, and maybe even today. I’m referring to the Avon Lady. I honestly … Continue reading

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Marketing — Over the Years

Claire was out a few days ago and the phone rang — it rings a lot in our house. I pretty much never answer the phone — I figure if it’s important they’ll leave a message. But the ID that … Continue reading

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When I was growing up, I remember my parents (my mother, especially) giving me lots of good old-fashioned advice — a lot of which I think could be traced back to old wives’ tales, or folklore, or some such source.  … Continue reading

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Mr. Potato Head

Most of the games our grandkids have, I don’t recognize. I remember our kids had games that were familiar to me from when I was a kid, but the old “classic” games just don’t seem to be popular today, or … Continue reading

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Some time back, when Emily was at our house, she had some kind of soft drink that had random “facts” printed inside the lid. I happened to read one and it said, “A group of twelve or more cows is … Continue reading

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Ten-Ten Day

If you’ve been paying attention over the years, you know that today is a “holiday” that we always celebrate.I’m not sure why I think it’s necessary to explain Ten-ten Day every year — maybe because every year the same people … Continue reading

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Columbus Day

Today is Columbus Day — a U.S. holiday that has always been, to some extent, and even more so, today — a kind of controversial holiday. The day commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. It … Continue reading

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Pierogi Day

Today, October 8, is an important day — the Department of Homeland Security was established (by President George W. Bush) and Don Larson (Yankees) pitched the only perfect game in the history of the baseball World Series on the 8th … Continue reading

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